Friday, October 16, 2009

On mornings, creativity, and the same old routine

I must admit, I despise etiquette. I am well aware there is an unwritten rule against posting twice in one day, but I've chosen to consider the two times I have chosen to write blog entries in the last eight or so hours as seperate occurences on two different days. Whether I will further respect the distinction when it comes time to be awake tomorrow remains to be seen.

For now, there are a few things I want to talk about, mostly because I have nothing else to do. Of course I've finished all of my (immediately pressing) homework, and taken care of all my responsibilities for this three-day weekend, and the second it begins I have no idea what to do with my so called free time. Right now, the hallway outside my room reeks of marijuana, and there is a man vomiting on the floor. My friend, who was coming to visit me, was--until a few weeks ago--in a relationship with this person. She is now making sure he does not die.

I am in my room, isolated from the world, believe it or not, because I have a problem with that man's lifestyle. So every weekend (including this one) I sit in my room, maybe with a few friends, in relative silence, or doing things that have achieved a certain level of monotony I was not aware existed. It seems that no matter how much I write, how much I play my damned instrument, or how much time I spend playing games, I cannot satisfy that urge in me to do something. With a capital DO.

The question is not even what it is I truly want to do (although that is certainly a pertinent question), but rather what is missing. I am going stir crazy. That is without doubt.

I need to meet more people. But I don't want to join a youth group and I don't want to party, and it seems pretty extreme, but not unrealistic, to say that those are the most prominent choices. Not many people introduce themselves out of context, so it's difficult to meet them outside of clubs (the sort of which I frequent are somewhat lacking in non-geek representation (no offense to my fellow geeks)). This is probably for good reason. You never know what kind of person/drug dealer you are going to meet at 3 AM in the middle of a street. As such, I am loathe to introduce myself without proper context. And yet I must--

I want the rights to this movie/book name:
A Vexing Dilemma
This time it's interpersonal


Ofiuco said...

Haha, 'This time it's interpersonal', you should copyright that.
You and I have already talked about our feelings on drugs somewhat, and I am sure that we will in the future, and I cannot - no one could - blame you for avoiding someone who is throwing up, regardless of why exactly they are doing it.
Why not volunteer? Try to find somewhere through your school or something near your school, at least. You might be presently surprised. I know I've been!

Rose Jacobson said...

I understand your frustration... Don't worry though - you'll find a solution or a good compromise of things (it's still your first semester of freshman year i.e. you have plenty of time left to test the waters!)

P.S. Long live the king!